Skylights & Vents

Skydomes, or skylights, can add natural light and ventilation to a room without compromising usable wall space, and over the last few years have evolved to include skydomes, skytubes and skywindows. They come in various shapes and sizes or can be custom made to suit your needs, with a multitude of optional extras like venting and fans, access hatches, diffusers,blinds, security grilles, remote control, and even weather controlled units.
Skylights can lower energy bills and most have a lifetime warranty.
Vents & Whirlybirds
Passive roof vents expel excess heat and moisture. The key is to balance incoming air with outgoing, and perform an annual maintenance checkup.
Passive roof vents encourage natural air flow and work without the aid of motorized fans. Roof vents enhance the overall comfort of the house by providing escape hatches for hot, stale, moist air, which can reach temperatures of 150 degrees in summer. In winter, you need to dump that hot air before it condenses, which can lead to rot and mould.